Petroglyph seems to be stuck in shipping mediocre titles for quite a while now. I’m not sure Blizzard even has an rts team at this point. Outside of Frost Giant, and Relic there aren’t many studios left. We’ll see what the Blizzard refugees are capable of at Frost Giant. You have AoE2 fans complaining it is an AoE3 clone, and AoE3 fans complaining it is an AoE2 clone. I’m not sure a studio exists today that could live up to it. Part of their problem is the expectation everyone has due to the history of the series, and I doubt anyone they chose to develop it could live up to that. To me from what I played in the Beta in August and a little bit yesterday, it is an average rts. At this point with the pedigree of everyone involved it’s not a feeling anyone should be having in 2021. They also balanced the melee units so that even if they were bumping around they’d have the armor/hp to do some work.Īge 4 just feels, man, that skirmish game felt like Baby Devs First Steps into 3D.

To some extent this didn’t matter because both games had enough high-level, catass gamer only issues that they were just not competitive with Age 2 in multiplayer / higher level AI skirmish, so ordinary players didn’t care. Age 3 tends to be at range and in formation so pathing ect are less noticed… but charge a mass of cav into melee and you do see some less than optimal bumping.

I can definitely tell that responsiveness ect in Age of Mythology aren’t as snickity-snick tight as in Age 2… but to a degree, it’s less important because of the pacing and scale of Mythology. There’s some responsiveness issues with both games compared to Age 2 - 2D games are kind of WYSIWYG of responsiveness, 3D games tend to have a bunch of control and pathing issues that just don’t occur with 3D.